Quick Start


Users can ignore the occurred error at the begining. Instead, use the following command to get the version of SLAMKit. If the version number matches the one you intended to install,it indicates a successful installation. If not, you may need to reinstall.

cat /etc/slamware_release

The default IP address of the Ethernet RPLidar is Therefore, confirm that IPC is configured in the same network segment as the Lidar. You can use the following command to change the IP address of IPC.

#eno1 can be replaced with the actual port ID
ip addr add dev eno1

Once, the RPLidar can be successfully ping from IPC, it means IPC can receive data from lidar.


The connection status can be confirmed by using the "lsusb" command to see if the fccf:f100 device is listed.

If there’s a fixed deviation between the localization pose output by SLAMKit and the actual location, causing inaccuracies in navigation. Firstly, users need to check if the odometry center coincides with the center of the robot. Then, users should confirm that the configured installation pose of the lidar matches its actual installation position. Furthermore, a calibration tool embedded in Robostudio can be used, users can contact SLAMTEC support team to get help.

Only when the SSH service has been started on IPC, a new SSH connection can be created successfully. As a result, users should check the installation status of the SSH service firstly,and install it when the service does not exist. The following commands can be used for checking and installing the SSH service.

service ssh status #check SSH service status
sudo apt install openssh-server #install SSH service

When designing structures of robot, there may be issues where supporting structures obstruct the lidar observation at certain angles. Consequently, it’s necessary to filter out the lidar points within the obstructed angular ranges by editing the corresponding configs. In order to accurately set these configs, users can follow the operation steps shown in figure 1 to directly read out the angular ranges by using Robostudio.

Figure 1: FOV of Lidar in Robostudio
Figure 1: FOV of Lidar in Robostudio

Open the "slamware_ros_sdk_server_node.launch" file, and use a different name instead of"cmd_vel"in "<param name="vel_control_topic" value="cmd_vel"/>"

Figure 2: Error Raised in Launching IMU Driver
Figure 2: Error Raised in Launching IMU Driver

This is due to the USB port conflict, simply stopping the licensed software service will resolve it.

systemctl stop slamwared
systemctl stop agent

Check if there is a soft link to RPLidar under dev. If not, you can run the following command to add it.

ln -s /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/rplidar